Japanese Savory Egg Custard with Chicken

A fantastic appetizer with lots of umami flavors! Be creative with toppings and make it your own.
• 3 Medium Eggs
• 5oz of Chicken
• 1/2 pack of Shimeji Mushrooms
• Mitsuba (Japanese Parsley), enough as topping
•3 cups of Water
• 3 teaspoons of Soy Sauce (either light/dark)
• Salt
• Potato Starch
1. Cut chicken and shimeji mushrooms.
2. Blanch the chicken.
3. Place water and ② in a pot and make chicken dashi broth by boiling for 15 minutes while skimming the foam scum out. Chill it in ice water.
4. Once chilled, strain ③ and separate chicken and the broth.
5. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add 2 cups of broth, soy sauce and a little salt. Mix together and strain for silky texture.
6. Put the cooked chicken and shimeji mushrooms into cups and add ⑤. Cover them with a tin foil or saran wrap.
7. Steam ⑥ for 15 minutes over low heat. (Heating time depends on the size of cups.) Make sure to leave some gap between the pan and the lid.
8. Dissolve potato starch in water of equal amout, mix well and leave it for 10 minutes. Make starchy sauce with the rest of broth, salt, soy sauce and dissolved potato starch.
9. Tilt the cups to see if ⑦ is solid. pour ⑧, place mitsuba Japanese parsley as garnish and done!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Refer to mug cup pudding post on March 28th for how to steam. You can add any toppings as long as they are not too moist. Bonito broth also works. Salted pickled plum or yuzu are also great garnishes.
•卵(M): 3個
•鶏肉: 150g
•しめじ: 1/2パック
•三つ葉: 少々
•水: 750cc
•薄口醤油: 15cc (濃口でも可)
•塩: 少々
1. 鶏肉、しめじを切る。
2. 鶏肉をサッと湯通しする。
3. 鍋に水と②を入れ鷄の出汁を作る。沸騰させアクを取りながら15分ぐらい炊く。氷水で冷やす。
4. 冷めたらこして出汁と鶏肉に分ける。
5. ボールに卵を割り入れ鷄の出汁450cc、薄口醤油15cc、塩少々を混ぜ合わせこす。
6. 器に鷄肉としめじを入れ⑤を入れる。上からラップかアルミホイルをかける。
7. 弱火で15分蒸す。時間は器によって変わる。鍋と蓋の間に隙間を開けてやる。
8. 残りの出汁に醤油、塩などで味付けをし、水溶き片栗粉 (水と片栗粉同量)であんを作る。
9. ⑦が蒸し上がったか確認する。少し斜めに傾けて固まっていたらOK!三つ葉をのせあんをかけて完成!
👇Abe’s Tips