Boiled Ramp with Japanese Seasoning

Boiled Ramp with Japanese Seasoning
Healthy Japanese vegan recipe. Pay attention to the details and this simple recipe tastes even better.
• A bunch of Ramp
• 1 piece of Fried Bean Curd
• 3 pieces of Dried Tomatoes
• 2 cups of Water
• 2oz of Light (or Dark) Soy Sauce
• 2oz of Mirin
1. Wash ramp and cut ingredients in a bite size.
2. Mix [A] together and put it in a pot along with fried bean curd and dried tomatoes.
3. Set a bowl in ice water. Do not use a plastic bowl.
4. Once ② boils, let it simmer for 1 minute. Then throw the ramp into it from the root. Once the entire ramp is cooked, move it quickly into ③, let it cool down and done!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Nibitashi in Japanese means seasoning it to the core. Make sure not to use a plastic bowl in step ③ because it doesn't conduct heat well. A stainless bowl or pot works. This part is very important to take this recipe to the next level. You can substitute bonito stock for water.
You can try this recipe with any leaf vegetables like spinach, komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) and mizuna (potherb mustard).
行者ニンニクの煮浸し (ビーガン)
•行者ニンニク: 1束
•アゲ: 1枚
•ドライトマト: 3個
•水: 500cc
•薄口醤油: 60cc (濃口でも可)
•みりん: 60cc
1. 行者ニンニクを良く洗い材料を一口大に切る。
2. [A]を合わせ鍋に入れドライトマトとアゲと一緒に火にかける。
3. 氷水の上にボールを置いてセットする。プラスチックのボールは使わない。
4. ②が沸いたら1分ほど炊く。そこに行者ニンニクを根の方から入れる。葉も入れ、火が通ったら素早く③に入れて冷ます。冷めたら完成。
👇Abe’s Tips