Grilled Spanish Mackerel and Vegetables with Special Sauce

Grilled Spanish Mackerel and Vegetables with Special Sauce
The Starch-based sauce adds a nice layer to the crispy fish. Enjoy it with your choice of vegetables!
• 2 pieces of Spanish Mackerel (3oz x2)
• Vegetables of your choice (carrots, shiitake mushrooms, snow peas, ginger, bell peppers, zucchini, onions, celery, etc.)
• Potato Starch Dissolved in Water
• Flour
• Onion Powder
• 2 cups of Water
• 3.5 tablespoons of Soy Sauce
• 3.5 tablespoons of Mirin
1. Cut vegetables in the same bite sizes.
2. Mix [A] in a pot and heat. When boiling, add vegetables from most fibrous/hard ones to cook. Add greens last. Turn off the heat and add potato starch. Let it boil again then remove to set aside.
3. Season spanish mackerel with salt, pepper and onion powder. Cover it thoroughly with flour.
4. Heat cooking oil in a pan and cook ③ on both sides. Serve it with ② and done!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
You can add 1oz of vinegar if you like! I added onion powder after flour in the video but better to add onion powder first!
•サワラ: 2切れ(80gx2)
•お好みの野菜いろいろ (人参、椎茸、絹さや、生姜、赤パプリカ、三つ葉、ズッキーニ、玉ねぎ、セロリなど)
•水溶き片栗粉: 適量
•小麦粉: 適量
•オニオンパウダー: 少々
•水: 500cc
•醤油: 50cc
•みりん: 50cc
1. 火が通りやすいよう同じくらいの大きさに野菜を切り分ける。
2. [A]を火にかけ沸いたら野菜を入れる。火が通りにくいものから入れ、緑のものは最後に!火を止めて水溶き片栗粉でとろみをつけ最後にもう一回火にかけて沸かす。
3. サワラに塩、胡椒をしてオニオンパウダーをかける。小麦粉をつける。4. フライパンに油を引き弱火で両面を焼く。盛り付けて完成。
👇Abe’s Tips