Gyu Don

Gyu Don
Classic Japanese stamina food. Enjoy it with as much rice as you desire.
• 10oz of Sliced Beef
• 5oz of Onion
• 1oz of Ginger
• 1oz of Butter
• Ichimi or Shichimi Spice
• Rice as much as you want
• 7oz of Water
• 3/2oz of Soy Sauce
• 3/2oz of Mirin
• 2 teaspoons of Sugar
1. Cut ingredients. Mix [A].
2. Pour [A] in a pan and and add ginger and onion. Once it boils, turn down the heat to medium and cook until the onion gets tender for about 10 minutes.
3. Add beef to ② and fully cook it. Drop butter at the end and done!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
You can do without sugar. Butter adds flavor so no need to use dashi broth. Do not overcook beef because it gets hard.
•牛スライス肉: 300g
•玉ねぎ: 半分(150g)
•生姜: 30g
•バター: 30g
•一味もしくは七味: 少々
•ご飯: 食べたいだけ
•水: 200cc
•醤油: 40cc
•みりん: 40cc
•砂糖: 10g
1. 材料を切る。[A]を合わせる。
2. フライパンに Aを入れて玉ねぎ、生姜を入れる。沸騰したら中火にし玉ねぎがしんなりするまで約10分ほど煮る。
3. 玉ねぎがしんなりしたら肉を入れ火を通す。最後にバターを入れて完成。
👇Abe’s Tips