Hot Pot with Puffy Chicken Meat Balls

Hot Pot with Puffy Chicken Meat Balls
Just mix and boil! Fast and guaranteed delicious!
[A] (makes 20 pieces)
• 1lb of Ground Chicken
• 2oz of Minced Onion
• 2 teaspoons of Cooking Sake
• 2 teaspoons of Mirin
• 1 teaspoon of Salt
• 1 Egg
• 1 teaspoon of Grated Ginger
• 2 teaspoons of Potato Starch
• Soy Sauce, Salt, Mirin, etc.
• Vegetables of your choice for hot pot
1. Lay out all of [A]. Cut vegetables and set aside.
2. Mix well [A] except starch and onion which should be mixed separately and put in last. The last mixture should be only briefly mixed (Don’t overtax). Shape into balls.
3. Boil water in hot pot and place ② to cook. Remove and set aside once they float.
4. Cook the vegetables in hot pot and add [B] to flavor the broth. Add back the meat balls and establish hot temperature to finish.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Add any of your favorite vegetables to make it your own. You can also cook chicken balls in a pan to enjoy them like hamburger steak!
[A] (20個分)
•鶏ミンチ: 300g
•玉ねぎみじん切り: 60g
•酒: 10cc
•みりん: 10cc
•塩: 6g
•卵: 1個
•おろし生姜: 6g
•片栗粉: 10g
•鍋の野菜 (お好みで何でも)
1. [A]の材料を揃える。野菜を切り揃える。
2. [A]を合わせて鶏団子のタネを作る。玉ねぎのみじん切りと片栗粉を一緒にし最後に混ぜる。入れたら混ぜすぎない。団子にする。
3. 沸いた鍋に②を入れていく。浮いてきたら一回鍋から取り出す。
4. ③の鍋に野菜を入れて[B]で味を整える。鶏団子を戻し、少し温めなおして完成。
👇Abe’s Tips