Rosemary Marinated Fried Salmon


Rosemary Marinated Fried Salmon

Delightful seafood dish to enjoy! The special preparation allows the salmon to store for days.


• 12oz of Salmon
​• 1/2 Onion
​• 1/2 Red Bell Pepper
​• 2oz of Ginger
​• Salt • Flour
​• 3 sprigs of Rosemary
​• 1 pint of Water
​• 1/2 cup of Vinegar
​• 1/2 cup of Soy Sauce
​• 1/2 cup of Mirin
​• 1/4 cup of Cooking Sake
​• 2oz of Honey


​1. Cut salmon and vegetables. Soak vegetables in water for 15 minutes.
​2. Put [A] in a pot.
​3. Season salmon with salt and cover it with flour.
​4. Cook ③ in a pan on both sides. At the same time start heating ②. Turn off the heat right before ② boils.
​5. Place salmon in a tray along with pat dried vegetables. You can add sliced lemon here if you like. Pour warm [A] into it and wrap. Leave it at a room temparatue for 3 hours. Then put it in the refrigerator to let it absorb more flavor and done!
​👇Chef Abe’s Tips You can enhance flavor by adding kombu seaweed or dashi stock powder. Chill pepper and lemon would be great spice if you like! It will last for a week in the refrigerator.



•サーモン: 350g
•玉ねぎ: 1/2個
•赤パプリカ: 1/2個
•生姜: 60g
•ローズマリー: 3本
•水: 450cc 
•酢: 120cc 
•醤油: 120cc
•みりん: 120cc
•酒: 60cc
•はちみつ: 60cc


1. 野菜、サーモンを切りわける。野菜は水に15分ほどつけておく。
2. [A]を鍋に入れる。
3. サーモンに塩で下味をつけ小麦粉をまぶす。
4. ③をフライパンで両面焼く。同時に②を火にかける。沸騰する直前で火を止める。
5. コンテナにサーモンを並べ水気を取った野菜を入れる。ここで輪切りのレモンを上に並べてもOK!そこに温かい[A]を入れ上からラップをし常温で3時間ほど置く。そのまま冷蔵庫で味を染み込ませ完成!
👇Abe’s Tips
