"Little Bear" Omu-Rice

"Little Bear" Omu-Rice
Delightful seafood dish to enjoy! The special preparation allows the salmon to store for days.
• 3oz of Chicken
• 2 cups of Rice
• 2oz of Onion
• 1 teaspoons of Garlic
• 3oz of Ketchup
• Mayonnaise
• Salt
• Pepper
• Butter
• 6 Eggs
• Seaweed
1. Measure and cut/prepare all ingredients. Remove excess fat from chicken if present. Season chicken with salt and pepper.
2. Sauté garlic and onion with butter at low heat in the pan. When the onion turns translucent, add the cut chicken. Add ketchup and let the heat cook off some of its water. Add rice and mayonnaise and continue to sauté. This is ready when the ketchup is evenly distributed in the mix.
3. Using the plastic wrap, form each parts that make up the bear and arrange to its final form.
4. Prepare two small bowls, crack eggs, and separate into yellow yoke in one bowl and the egg white in the other. Mix the yokes thoroughly. Lightly mix the egg white, careful not to overmix that results in foam build up.
5. Place butter in the pan and prepare in low heat for the yoke to be poured. Once half cooked, stop the heat and cut off strips with knife (see image/video). Set aside the removed yoke strips (to be used for mouth and ears for the bear). Reheat the pan to low setting and pour egg white into the open areas. Once all is cooked, remove and place over the bear form.
6. Finish the bear face with cut nori pieces to your liking.
👇Abe’s Tips
My video uses chicken thighs but breast is also great! Make sure to keep mixing once the ketchup goes into the pan to prevent from burning. I suggest using a non-stop pan for cooking the egg.
You can add consommé powder to enhance flavor.
•チキン: 90g
•ご飯: 450g
•玉ねぎ: 60g
•ニンニク: 5g
•ケチャップ: 90g
•マヨネーズ: 少々
•塩: 少々
•胡椒: 少々
•バター: 適量
•卵: 6個
•海苔: 適量
1. 材料を計り切る。チキンは脂がついていたら取り除く。
2. フライパンにバターを入れ玉ねぎ、ニンニクを弱火で炒める。玉ねぎが透明になったら塩胡椒をした鶏肉を入れる。ケチャップを入れ少し水分を飛ばしたらご飯とマヨネーズを入れ炒める。ケチャップが均等にいきわたったら出来上がり。
3. ラップを使って②を丸め熊の形を作りお皿に並べる。
4. ボールを2個用意し卵を2個割って白身と黄身に分ける。黄身の方に卵を1個割って混ぜる。白身の方は泡立てず軽く混ぜる。(熊1匹分)
5. フライパンにバターを入れ弱火で黄身を入れる。半熟で火を止め写真のように包丁で縦に切る。切った残りは熊の口、耳に使う。フライパンをまた弱火にかけ切って取り除いた所に白身を入れる。固まったら熊にかける。
6. 海苔で顔を作る。
👇Abe’s Tips