Tasty Potato Salad

Tasty Potato Salad
One of the most popular requests so far! Some special tips revealed here.
• 1lb of Potatoes
• 1oz of Onion
• 1oz of Cucumber
• 2 pieces of Bacon, cut to small bits
• 2 Eggs
• 3oz of Heavy Cream
• 1oz of Butter
• 3oz of Mayonnaise
• one clove garlic, minced
• Salt
• Pepper
1. Wash and boil the potatoes with the skin until soft enough to skewer through, then take them out and peel. You can peel them easily with a towel or paper towels.
2. Prepare boiled egg.
3. Rub salt onto cut onion and cucumber and let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
4. Separate the potatoes into 2 parts: [A] 2/3 and [B] 1/3.
5. Mash [A] well and add warmed heavy cream and butter and garlic. The more you mash, the smoother the texture.
6. Mash [B] and boiled eggs lightly in a bowl and add ③ , ⑤ and mayonnaise. Season it with salt and pepper to your liking.
7. Cook bacon to your liking and add to the mixture and serve.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Save the ⑥ mixture in the refrigerator and cook and add the bacon just before serving to enjoy the crispy texture. Puree [A] for smoother texture if you can. Cuisinart also works great. Carrot, tomato and corn also go well with this recipe. Wiener and ham can substitute for bacon. Boil potatoes with the skin to avoid the texture getting too watery.
This potato salad will make a great sandwich for your breakfast as well!
•じゃがいも: 500g
•玉ねぎ: 30g
•きゅうり: 30g
•ベーコン: 2枚
•玉子: 2個
•生クリーム: 80cc
•バター: 30g
•マヨネーズ: 80g
•ニンニク: 少々
•塩: 適量
•胡椒: 適量
1. じゃがいもを皮のまま湯がく。
2. ゆで玉子を作る。
3. 玉ねぎときゅうりを塩揉みし15分おきしんなりさせる。水で洗い流しよく絞る。
4. 湯がいたじゃがいもに竹串やお箸を刺して中までスッと入ったら取り出し皮を剥く。タオルやペーパータオルを使って簡単に剥ける。
5. じゃがいもを[A] 2/3と [B] 1/3とに分けボールに入れる。
6. [A]の方をよくつぶす。そこに温めた生クリームとバター、ニンニクを入れてさらに潰す。潰せば潰すほど食感が滑らかに!
7. [B]のボールに卵を入れて軽くつぶすそこに③と⑥とマヨネーズを入れて塩胡椒で味を付ける。
8. お好みの硬さにベーコンを焼く。
👇Abe’s Tips