Creamy Pasta Gratin

Creamy Pasta Gratin
This one-pan cooking is super popular in Japan and one of my all time favorite!
• 1/4lb of Chicken (about one thigh)
• 2oz of Onion (about one medium size)
• Green Vegetables like broccoli, handful
• 1.5 tablespoons of Flour
• 1.5 tablespoons of Unsalted Butter
• 1.5 cups of Milk
• Melting Cheese like Mozzarella or Parmesan, handful
• 2oz of Tube-type Pasta
• 1 ear of Corn
• Salt &Pepper
1. Cut chicken, onion, corn, and green vegetables to bite size.
2. Boil pasta as instructed and add the green vegetables near the end. Drain and set aside.
3. Heat oil in a pan and sauté chicken over medium heat. Once the surface of the chicken turns white, lower the heat and add onion. Once onion cooks to translucent, gently add flour evenly throughout the pan and blend. Add butter and mix until fully melted. Turn up the heat to high and gradually pour milk in 4 parts to create the white sauce, mixing each time until it's about to boil then add more milk until all are in. Lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, season it with salt and pepper. Add pasta and corn and cook it for another 2 minutes.
4. Place ③ in a dish. Add boiled vegetables and cheese. Heat it in a toaster from the bottom for 7 minutes at 350°F or in an oven for 5 minutes at 350°F until the cheese is browned.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
You can substitute meat to any of your choice like bacon, shrimp, scallop, crab sticks, etc. If you use meat, cook it in the same way as above. If you use seafood, add it to the sauce along with pasta in step ③.
• 鶏肉: 100g
• 玉ねぎ: 60g
• 野菜: 適量
• 小麦粉: 20g
• バター: 20g
• 牛乳: 400cc
• チーズ: 適量
• パスタ: 60g
• コーン: 1本
• 塩胡椒: 適量
1. 食材を切り分量を計る。
4. 器に入れ、②の野菜とチーズを添えオーブンなら180°Cで5分、トースターは下火180°Cで7分、焼き目がついたら完成!
👇Abe’s Tips