How to Cook a Perfect Steak

How to Cook A Perfect Steak
Your dream steak awaits.
1. Place the meat in a zip bag and take the air out.
2. Pour 2 cups of water in a pan and start to heat. Once it boils turn off the heat and add 1/2 cup of water to lower the temperature to 175°F.
3. Add ① and put the lid on. Cook it for 5 minutes then flip it and cook for another 10 minutes.
4. Remove the bag and season it well with salt and pepper.
5. Heat the pan to high and add the cooking oil just before it starts to smoke. Place the meat in the pan and quickly cover it with a tin foil. Let it grill on its surface then flip to the other side for the same effect. (See the video.)
6. Once both sides are grilled, wrap it in a tin foil. Leave it for 3 minutes.
7. Cut and serve!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
I used a 12oz boneless beef. You can use this cooking method for 10oz to 18oz of meat. The bigger the portion you cook, the less water you boil it in and the longer you cook. For a smaller portion, add a little more boiling water.
No need to temper the meat to room temperature for grilling.
Consider adding herbs like rosemary in the zip bag with the meat for flavor.
Overcooking ruins everything but we can fix undercooking. Do not try to cook it when you grill. Just grill the surface very quick!
With a sous-vide machine, leave it in water for 1 hour at 136°F. You only have to grill the surface and no need to wrap it in a tin foil. Rib eye, strip loin, tenderloin are highly recommended for this recipe.
1. 肉をジップロックに入れ空気を抜く。
2. フライパンに500ccの水を入れ沸かす。湧いたら火を止めそこに150ccの水を入れ約80°Cまで温度を下げる。
3. そこに①の肉を入れ蓋をする。最初に5分、ひっくり返して10分調理。
4. 肉をジップロックから取り出し、塩、胡椒でしっかり味をつける。
5. フライパンを強火で煙が出る手前ぐらいまで温め油を引き肉を入れて素早くアルミホイルでカーバーし焼き目をつける。(動画参照。)ひっくり返して裏にも焼き目をつける。
6. 裏にも焼き目がついたら3分ほどアルミホイルに巻いておく。
7. 切って盛り付け完成!
👇Abe’s Tips