Earl Grey Panda Cotta

Earl Grey Panda Cotta
It’s easy to create smooth texture and tasty flavors with my recipe.
• 1 cup of Milk
• 1 cup of Heavy Cream
• 3 oz of Sugar
• 1/2 tablespoon of Gelatin Powder
• 3-4 bags of Black Tea
1. Soak gelatin powder with water until tender.
2. Mix milk, heavy cream, sugar, and tea bags in a pan and heat. Keep stirring so sugar won’t burn onto the bottom of the pan. Keep heating, careful not to overheat and burn, until the sugar dissolves when the temperature should be around 140°F. Take the pan off the stove, add ① and let it dissolve. Leave it for 30 minutes to soak up the tea flavor.
3. Gently squeeze the tea bags (careful not to break the bags) and remove. Put the pan in ice water and chill. This step is important to make the surface clean and smooth.
Pour ③ into cups and keep them in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Add your favorite fruits and/or jam and done!
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Paying close attention to temperature is the key. Do not overheat in step ② and make sure to chill it before pouring into cups to avoid forming a premature film. Try different brands of tea bags to find your favorite.
•牛乳: 250cc
•生クリーム: 250cc
•砂糖: 80g
•粉ゼラチン: 7g
•紅茶バッグ: 3、4個
1. 粉ゼラチンを水で戻す。
2. 鍋に牛乳、生クリーム、砂糖、紅茶バッグを入れて火にかける。砂糖が鍋底で焦げ付かないように軽く混ぜる。砂糖が溶けてだいたい60度ぐらいまで火にかける。(温めすぎないように。)火から外して戻した粉ゼラチンを入れ混ぜながらゼラチンを溶かす。そのまま30分置き紅茶の味を出す。
3. 紅茶バッグを破かないよう軽く絞りながら取り出す。氷水に鍋を入れて混ぜながら冷ます。(これをしないと出来上がりの表面が汚くなる。)
4. 器にもって冷蔵庫で2時間冷やす。
👇Abe’s Tips