Karaage Japanese Fried Chicken

Karaage Japanese Fried Chicken
Fried chicken is one of the most universal favorite and this version is addictively delicious!
• 1 Chicken Thigh
• 1oz of Tamari Soy Sauce (Gluten-free Soy Sauce)
• 1 Egg
• 1 clove of Grated Garlic
• 2 tablespoons of Potato Starch
• 3 tablespoons of Potato Starch
• 3 tablespoons of Gluten-free Flour
• 1 teaspoon of Garlic Powder
• 1 teaspoon of Onion Powder
1. Prepare the chicken thigh with cuts along the bone like in the video. Poke it with the knife tip to absorb seasonings throughout and within.
2.Put [A] in a bowl to mix and add ①. Add [B] to it and mix again. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. If you can leave it for a day the favor will further enhance.
3. Put [C] in another bowl and mix. Add ② and cover it with the mixture thoroughly.
4. Pour a small amount of cooking oil in a pan, arrange ③ within, then turn on the heat to medium. Once it starts sizzling, cover the pan with a lid or tin foil. When it’s browned, flip it and slightly lower the heat. You can add vegetables at this stage to cook as a side.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
If you don’t have gluten-free soy sauce and flour, you can use regular ones. You don't have to use as much cooking oil as you see in the video. Make sure you turn the heat on after putting chicken in the pan so sizzling oil won’t splash. Putting a lid or tin foil is for the same reason. No mess in the kitchen while the chicken is fried to a perfect crisp!
鶏モモ肉: 1本
•たまり醤油(グルテンフリー): 25cc
•卵: 1個
•ニンニクすり下ろし: 1粒
片栗粉: 20g
片栗粉: 25g
グルテンフリーフラワー: 25g
ニンニクパウダー: 5g
オニオンパウダー: 5g
1. 鶏モモ肉を動画のように骨にそって切る。こうすることで火が通りやすくなる。最後に包丁の先で刺して味を染み込みやすくする。
2. ボールに[A]の材料を入れ混ぜ合わせ①を入れてからめる。さらに[B]の片栗粉を入れからめる。そのまま冷蔵庫で3時間以上置き味を染み込ませる。(1日置くとなお良い。)
3. 別のボールに[C]を合わせ②を入れ全体に粉をまぶす。
👇Abe’s Tips