How to Cook Rice like a Pro

How to Cook Rice like a Pro
Perfectly cooked rice is the foundation of Japanese Cuisine. Here are my tips from the Kitchen.
• 2 cups of Rice
• 2 cups of Water
1. Like in the video, lightly wash the rice in a bowl with hand in plenty of water to rinse off the excess starch. Repeat 3 times (it’s ok if it's remains cloudy). Be mindful not to damage the shape of the rice grain when stirring! Transfer the rice to a strainer and let it drain for 5 minutes.
2. Put the rice and fresh water in a pot and let it sit for 30 minutes.
3. Start heat to cook with no lid.
With gas stove: turn the heat high until it boils then put the lid on and let it simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Finish by turning off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes with the lid on.
With electric stove: turn the heat high until it boils then put the lid on and move it to another stove to avoid being overcooked with remaining heat and let it simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Finish by turning off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes with the lid on.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Handle rice gently when washing so not to damage the grain.
Bring to boil first with no lid then cover to simmer over low heat.
米: 2カップ
水: 2カップ
1. ボールにお米を入れて洗う。動画のようにたっぷりの水で軽く手で混ぜる。これを3回繰り返す。(水は濁っていても大丈夫。) お米の形を崩さないのがポイント!ザルで5分ほど水を切る。
2. 鍋に米と水を入れる。30分そのまま浸しておく。
3. 炊く。
👇Abe’s Tips