Mug Cup Pudding

Mug Cup Pudding
Milk, eggs and sugar are all you need to make this heavenly dessert.
• 4 Eggs
• 2 cups of Milk
• 4oz of Sugar
• 1oz of Sugar
• 1/2oz of Water x2
1. Put milk and sugar in a pot and warm it till the sugar dissolves.
2. Open eggs into a bowl and mix it like you are hitting the bowl with the whisk. After mixing well, add ① and keep mixing. Chuck big bubbles.
3. Pour ② into mug cups, cover them with tin foil, put them in a pot with a little water and steam them for 15 minutes. (Steaming time depends on the size of your mug cups.) Leave some gap between the pot and the lid by putting a piece of paper to let the steam out.
4. After 15 minutes, make sure the puddings are solid and turn off the heat. Chill them in iced water or refrigerator.
1. Put sugar and 1/2oz of water in a pan and start heating. Do not touch it till it starts changing color.
2. Once it starts changing color, take the pan off the stove and decide how dark you want the caramel while moving the pan.
3. Add another 1/2oz of water to stop the caramel from changing color and then let it cool down.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Make sure to steam puddings over low heat and let the steam out. It’s the key to a smooth texture. Whisk the egg hitting the bottom of the bowl. Be patient till caramel starts changing color but you need to move quick once it changes color! Whipped cream and fruits go very well with the pudding as well!
• 卵: 4個
• 牛乳: 450cc
• 砂糖: 100g
• 砂糖: 30g
• 水: 15cc x2
👇Abe’s Tips
プリンは蒸し方が肝心。必ず弱火で蓋を少し開けて蒸気を外に逃しましょう。火が強いと気泡ができ口当たりが悪くなるので絶対弱火で!卵の混ぜ方は卵を切るように叩くのがコツ。カラメルは思った以上に時間がかかりますが、色がついてきたら早いので素早く! 生クリームとフルーツをのせても美味です。