How to Easily Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs

How to Easily Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs
1. Crack the egg very little as shown in the video.
2. Fill the pot with warm / hot tap water, place the eggs and start heating.
3. Once it boils, turn down the heat to medium and keep it boiling for 12 more minutes.
4. After 12 minutes, put the eggs in iced water and let them cool down.
👇Chef Abe’s Tips
Make sure to start from warm / hot tap water, instead of boiling water in step ②.
1. 動画のように、玉子に軽く割れ目を入れる。
2. 水道から出るお湯を鍋に入れてその中に入れて火にかける。
3. 沸騰したら中火にして12分。
4. 氷水に入れて冷ます。
👇Abe’s Tips